Saturday, June 5, 2010

it's so quiet

I dropped Angel #4 and hubby off at the airport this morning, then headed to work. Now that I'm home, it's just me and Angel #2 in the house. The most words spoken this evening at any one time was when she was telling me about her friend Sarah who lives with just her mom and how they try all kinds of bizarre fad diets. Her favorite was the 'pop diet', when you can only eat things that have the word pop in their name like popcorn, popsicles, soda pop, etc., though she also liked the sound of the ice cream diet where you don't eat anything all day, then eat ice cream for supper. I'm guessing Sarah and her mom aren't candidates for a multi page article in Healthy Living Magazine. Anyway, besides that very brief conversation, it's been pretty darn quiet in here. I suppose for those of you with no kids or who live by yourself, that isn't any big deal, but try living with 4 kids, a husband everyone refers to as "ADD Boy", a dog and 2 cats, and you'll appreciate silence like never before. Of course, this silence will probably end about 6:30 tomorrow morning when WE's cat starts meowing and yowling for him like it did this morning - AK-47 hasn't gotten the memo about WE not being home for the next month and she insists on calling for him. I wish cats understood English.

1 comment:

Tanya T said...

Oh wow, peace and quiet. I don't think i'm going to hear that all summer. Enjoy! I bet you will be able to get alot of writing done?