Sunday, March 4, 2012

missing smoosher thingy

The black hole of Adeline the ghost apparently strikes again. The wooden smoosher thing that smooshes tomatoes, berries, etc, through my cone-shaped metal collandar is MIA. It's been lying there, unused in the unheated storage room upstairs in my house all winter. I know it's been there, I see it every time I go in that room, which is a couple times a week. But today, I was going to use it to smoosh up some dried bread to make crumbs and do you think that thing would be around? No siree-Bob. So, unless it shows up fairly soon, I'll ad it to the ever growing list of things that are mysteriously disappearing at my house and never show up again. Did I tell you about the blue lid on the salad bowl? About a month ago, we took the lid off, set it on the counter and put the salad bowl on the table for supper. We ate, cleared the table and the cover was gone. No one was even in the kitchen, we were sitting in the dining room eating, and the dumb thing disappeared. We searched the garbage, under the fridge, inside the fridge, all over and over a month later, the dumb thing still hasn't shown up and, in the meantime, I have to put a plate over the top of my salad bowl. Even hubs is starting to see my ghost stealing logic. He looked at me the other day, and dead seriously, asked where in the world I thought Adeline was putting this stuff. So yeah, it's getting annoying.

Yesterday, Angel #4 participated in the solo & ensemble and did wonderfully. Turns out she had 4 different performances, 2 drum solos, a musical solo and a musical duet. She scored 1's (the highest score) in all 4! Due to the chaos of the day, hubs and I only managed to watch 2 of her performances, 1 drum and the duet and we were impressed. We had no idea we had such a musically talented daughter. The duet literally brought the woman sitting next to me to tears and a couple hours afterward, a man came up to #4 and told her what a beautiful job he thought she did - which I thought was a nice thing for a perfect stranger to do.

We got quite a bit of snow over the weekend and I have to say, after the brown winter we had, it's actually kind of nice to look out the window and see the world covered in white. People were sure happy to finally have a reason to get their snowmobiles out of the garage as well. It's been a pretty pathetic winter, snow-wise. Things are going to warm up in the next couple days and all the snow will be gone again, but at least we had it for a little while.

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