Thursday, March 22, 2012

And...she's back!

I picked up Angel #2 at the airport today. It's nice to have her home, I missed her. Now, I've just got to wait for Angel #1 to get back here on leave from Afghanistan and all my babies will be home again. She's already talking about when she's going back. I guess she really likes Uruguay.

Talk about babies, my chickens are taking forever to hatch. They were supposed to hatch yesterday, but not a single one hatched. Finally, tonight, Angel #4 noticed that one of the eggs is starting to hatch. Hopefully this means that more will start getting out as the night progresses. I really don't want to run a heat lamp and all that stuff for just one little baby chick.

Tonight, we went to a time machine program at #4's school. Some docents from the nearby historical museum did a program then afterwards, we toured the school and looked at the different projects the students did. The time period ranged from a fur trapper from the 1700's to a pioneer from 1905. The kids did projects from the 1700's through the 1970's, then one class made robots from the future. It was fun, but both #2 and I were really tired, neither of us got much sleep last night, her because she was on an airplane and me because she was on an airplane. I get nervous when my kids travel without me.

The weather lately has been ridiculous. It was 83 degrees yesterday at 4:30pm, that's just not normal, not that I'm complaining. But I had some dirty work to do yesterday and I actually made sure I did it right away in the morning before it got too hot out. That's something you do in July, not March. But I got a bunch of raspberry plants dug out of my neighbors garden (with their blessings, of course) and replanted them in mine. I got about a 10-15 foot row of raspberry plants in my garden now. Then last night some friends from church gave me some rhubarb roots and I got those planted in my garden today. Even though it's too early to plant seeds or anything (in Wisconsin, you usually plant your garden around Memorial Day) at least I got to work out there and get some plants in the ground. It was such a mild winter that some of the annuals we didn't pull out of our flower bed last fall are starting to come up. I guess I"ll save a little money on plants this year.

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