Monday, March 29, 2010

are you ready for some baseball?!?

Today was the island tournament for the Special Olympics softball/tee-ball teams. Hubby and Angel #1 have been coaching softball for the last month or so and this was the first game that the guys played. They did awesome and ended up taking first on the island out of 4 teams. The tee-ballers didn't do quite as well and got 2nd place out of 2 teams, but they all had a great time. An added benefit of the day was that it gave us a chance to say goodbye to our friends Scott and Chris. They joined the crew of another acquaintance, Matt's, sailboat, and they're heading out Saturday for an around the world cruise. Hopefully we'll all meet up again in 2 years when they return Hawaii.

We had a little excitement here Friday night. Logic says that with 3 cats in our house, we shouldn't see a mouse, but apparently, logic isn't always right. We were sitting in the living room with some friends having a Bible study when Angel #4 says, just as calmly as can be, "there's a mouse under the couch." I was across the room from the couch, but that didn't stop me from freaking out and putting my feet up on my chair. WE ran outside and grabbed his cat, but with all the yelling and screaming going on, AK-47 freaked out and ran the opposite direction of the mouse. It was just a little mouse, and Angel #4 managed to catch it with her bare hands (insert full body shiver of revulsion here). We ended up chucking it out the door since we couldn't find a cat around willing to earn its keep. To think I've been buying the lazy wretches Kitty Chow for the last three years and when a real live meal on the hoof shows up, nobody's willing to do their catly duty.

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