Wednesday, March 20, 2013

crash, crunch, scream!

Okay, it wasn't quite as dramatic as my title, but WE got in his first car accident last night.  He went to a school concert and then was supposed to take Angel #4 home with him, he took a slight detour - bad idea.  Apparently, a couple weeks ago, he lost a bet (something involving 5-star generals) in one of his classes and his penalty was that he was supposed to bring doughnuts for the class.  He's been getting crap every day from his friends about not delivering on the doughnuts, so he chose last night after the concert to go pick them up.  So he's been getting crap for 2 weeks and then decides to finally get the stupid doughnuts on a night when the roads were icy.  He hit a patch of ice and went skidding around a car, dinging it in the driver's side door with the front passenger's side bumper on our van.  We're still not entirely sure how he managed that one.  He kept his wits about him and it could have been much worse, no one was hurt and only minor damage to the vehicles.  Angel #4 also kept her wits and, instead of screaming as they were slipping along the highway (backwards) she simply said, in a low, monotone voice:  We're going to die.  Fortunately for us all, that didn't happen and she made note of that when they finally stopped sliding by saying in the same, low monotone voice:  I thought we were going to die.  The actual horrified screaming didn't start until the cop asked the kids if they were boyfriend and girlfriend.  They quickly set him straight on that notion.  Because of where the accident happened, they had to turn around and go back to our town to file the report and, to add insult to injury, WE never got the doughnuts...but he did get a $200 fine for following too close.  Looks like someone's going to have to get a job to be able to pay for the inevitably higher insurance premiums we're certainly going to have to start paying now.

In slacker mother news, Angel #2 called me to inform me that the photography studio where she got her senior pictures taken is going out of business.  We still have a $75 credit at the studio because, though she got her pictures taken, I never got around to ordering any.  Yeah, she graduated in 2011.  My logic is flawless - if I had actually gotten pictures ordered, I'd have to buy a frame and find a place to display it and nail a hole in the wall to hang it.  This smacks of interior decorating, which is something I don't do, I leave that to my little sister, whose house is beautifully decorated and even has matching furniture that isn't older than her children.  I'm more of a hang a picture if there's an empty nail sticking out of the wall someplace kind of person. There were 2 of these nails in my living room, so that means that there are 2 pictures hanging on my living room wall, one a cross stitch done by my aunt as a wedding gift to us, the other is Angel #1's Marine picture which he ordered and gave to me - yeah, I never actually got around to ordering his senior pictures either.  :p  In case you're wondering, yes, I did order our wedding pictures- I'm just not exactly sure where they are at the moment. I guess I don't need to point out to you that I'm not really a picture person.


Afton said...

Glad WE and #4 are okay!

Angel #2 said...

Don't forget that *I* was the one to finally hang the pictures on the wall after laying on a table for months!

Angel #2 said...

The pictures were laying on the table. Not me.