Sunday, September 15, 2019

So, yeah, already not writing every day

Yesterday was catch-up day.  We had a branch fall down in the yard on Friday, so that needed cleaning up.  I also refuse to use the dryer in the summer time, which limits my laundry time to the weekend, so I did that.  Also got the lawn mowed and hubs and I got a start on my raised bed gardens for next summer.  He got his hands on one of those big square plastic tubs they use to haul liquids in, cut it in half and put it up on some posts.  So essentially, they're like a giant version of those little sandbox tubs they had in your kindergarten classroom.  We filled the bottom half with wood chips from the stump we had removed, then filled the rest with dirt.  Next spring they'll be all ready to plant and I'll be a happy gardener.

As I see from my comments, my friend Stacey is going to be a grandma next month!  Wow, I'm SO not ready for that yet (well, maybe a little).  But since I prefer my kids married first, then babies, my only option is little WE's running around and I'm not sure if the world is ready for that yet.  I guess I'll just enjoy grandkids vicariously through Stacey for the time being.

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