Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Haunted tee shirts and lucky dreams

I've gotta say, I love Asian moms.  One of the kids I work with is Hmong and every once in awhile shares a morsel of wisdom passed down from her mother.  When I was talking about my favorite thrift store the other day she informed me that she'd never shopped at one because her mother didn't like them.  I asked if it was because she didn't like the idea of wearing other people's clothes and she said it had more to do with dead people.  "She's afraid dead people wore the clothes and now they've got dead people cooties??"  Nope, she's afraid that the former owners of the clothes are still with them in spirit and will haunt the clothes.  So, yeah, she won't buy used stuff because she's afraid of haunted mini skirts.  She also said her mom called yesterday to tell them to buy lottery tickets because she dreamed of poop.  Apparently, that means luck is coming your way.  And all this time I just thought it meant you should probably wake up and go to the bathroom before something really bad happened.

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