Here you go, the requested pictures. Though I'm not a photographically inclined as you, Alaine, I DID manage to get these buggers onto my computer and into the blog, which deserves a big round of applause, I believe. *clap clap clap* Thank you so much. :D Okay, the one with the white roof on the bottom is the view from out bedroom. To give you an idea of how steep the mountainside we live on is, that roof belongs to our across-the-road neighbors and the power lines are the ones that run along the highway that we live on. When you come in the kitchen door, the porch runs along at ground level, but when you walk across the room 25-30 feet, an look off the lanai, the above is the view you get - the lanai is about 10 feet off the ground. This is mountain country, people - though thankfully without the snow that most mountainous regions get.
Angel #2 and one of her friends, Shannon the slug, slept until 1 this afternoon, though the other friend had to be to work at 8:15 am and was up by 6:30 frying herself up some Spam for breakfast. I'm not used to teenaged girls getting themselves up and actually making a big breakfast before heading out the door. When #2 had to be to work at the same place as her friend, she got out of bed about 5 minutes before she had to be out the door. Though, I have to admit, the smell of Spam frying at 6:30 in the morning, isn't something I'm too excited to wake up to, so I guess I'll keep Angel #2 and her sluggy habits.
Weird thing. When my hair is wet, I can't do much of anything with it. So, yesterday, when I went grocery shopping, my hair was still wet, so I just threw it into a braid down my back. I never did get around to whipping it into a bun, which is my usual style. Two people came up to me yesterday and thought I was someone else. One lady came up to me and started calling me Lisa or something and one of #2's friend's boyfriends thought I worked at a coffee place, then asked if maybe she was my sister since we looked so much alike. I don't know if they were both thinking of the same person or not, but it's interesting to think there's someone out there who looks similiar to me - though I'm sure I'm the cuter one. :P
As i look outside my window right now and see the extra 4 inches of snow we got yesterday ontop of the 53.4 inches of total snowfall this winter season already. Your view looks like paradise to me!
We might hit 20 degrees above 0 by Monday. The older i get the more i want to move someplace where winter isn't so long. Don't mind a little snow but these last 2 winters have been rediculous!
Soooooo, what is the average daily temp in your region, what is the coldest it gets?
Thanks for sharing your view with us.
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