Then, tonight, during out Bible study, we were talking about the verse that said that Jesus didn't baptize people, but his Disciples did. We asked the kids why they thought Jesus didn't baptize. WE's response was that maybe Jesus didn't want to walk into that water with all those sins they washed away floating around in there.
Finally - Angel #1 picks WE up after school and drives him home. WE has about a half hour to kill while waiting to get picked up and tonight, he told us what he does to pass the time. He walks girls home from school. Isn't he a nice guy??
We had some friends over for lunch today. They know a lot about native plants and pointed out some of the different ones we have growing here and what we can do with them. We sent them home with some breadfruit from our trees, a little bit of sorrel and some nasturtiams, whose leaves and flowers have a peppery flavor and are tasty in salads.
Random Daydreamer Fact: I lost my last baby tooth when I was 16 years old - it had to be taken out by the dentist because it wasn't even loose yet. The same thing happened to the first baby tooth I lost, which wasn't until I was in 3rd grade. I was a late tooth bloomer
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