Thursday, January 15, 2009

How can there be no angel food?

For her birthday cake tomorrow, Angel #2 wants angel food.  So, after picking #4 up from school today, I headed over to Safeway to pick up a box of cake mix.  They had NO angel food cake mixes in the entire store.  Hard to believe, isn't it?  Thursdays are always bad days for grocery shopping anyway - Fridays are when their food shipment comes in - but I thought being angel food cakeless was pretty extreme.  I'll have to try one of the other grocery stores tomorrow and hope I have better luck.

The angel wants to meet 4 friends at Fun Factory, the arcade downtown, and spend an hour or two there before coming home for pizza and (hopefully) angel food cake.  Then the girls are going to spend the night and do whatever 5 15 year old girls do at slumber parties.  I'm guessing listen to emo music, talk about cute guys and giggle a lot.  We're shipping #4 over to another friend's house so she'll be out of the way of the party goers.  I think we're in for a long night tomorrow.

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