Thanks for your comments everyone. It's nice to know I'm not the only person sick to death of trendy, generic kitchens.
We had some crappy weather yesterday. It started Monday night when we had ice rain, WE ended up driving home from the girls basketball game at about 15 mph. School started on time on Tuesday, but the roads were still really cruddy, I was kind of surprised we didn't have a two hour delay. Things didn't get better as the day progressed, with heavy winds blowing, causing the roads to drift shut. The kids said they saw 2 cars in the ditch on the bus ride home after school. Hubs and I had to head into the city to get our taxes done, I let him drive as trying to drive through snowy crap puts me over the edge. On the way home, we were in a long line of traffic and a deer ran out between cars. We hit the breaks, but just kept on sliding, until that moment, we hadn't realized we were driving on glare ice. Somehow the deer managed to get across the road unscathed and all the cars got through as well. This morning I read there was a 26 car pileup about 40 miles from here, so unfortunately, not everyone made it through without damage yesterday.
We also went to the boys basketball game last night. By the time we got there it was halftime. It was regional tournaments, so we were playing a school out of our conference. It so happened that we were playing against hubs' old hometown. I think he was a little bit torn as far as cheering went. We know or at least recognize the boys playing for our team now, but hubs has been cheering on the Wolves for most of his life and it just went against his grain to root against them. So we just cheered no matter who made a basket. I was a bit surprised to see a fairly good turnout for the visitors team, those folks had a 70 mile one-way drive to get to the game and with the roads the way they were, there's no way I would have gone. Hubs saw a few people he knew from back in his school days, but we didn't recognize any of the kids names on the team. We moved from that town the summer between Angel #1's 2nd & 3rd grade year, so any kids I would have known from then would be long graduated by now. Our Panthers ended up beating the Wolves quite handily (too bad, Tanya! ;P ) so we were happy, but I felt bad for the out of towners who had such a long, slippery, cold ride home without even the glow of a basketball win to keep them warm.
Oh hey, did you know that there are carrot cake flavored M&M's? How weird is that, eh? We bought some last night, they DO taste like carrot cake, but are really really sweet, so you're pretty much maxed out after about 6 or 7 of them.
**Tanya, my brother is living in New London, so it's entirely possible you saw him at Festival.
I've had enough of this nasty weather, but it sounds like more is heading our way tomorrow/Friday. Sigh.
Haven't seen those M&Ms yet. They do come out with some interesting flavors though.
Carrot cake M&Ms??? Color me intrigued. I must consume these immediately. I have a pretty high sugar tolerance so I bet I could cram at least a couple fistfuls down. I will let you know if I achieve my goal.
No worries, I'm not a basketball fan.Not really a fan of our school district in general. I'm excited for New London's girl's basketball team undefeated 3 years running now. Coached by Sheryl Brigham Pethke, she was on the winning Manawa team with Steve's sister back in the early 80's. Go Bulldogs!
I think I'm shrinking with age, but wow, your brother sure is tall!
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