Monday, February 25, 2013


proma =  (noun)  a state, situation, or series of events involving interesting or intense conflict of forces during the high school prom season

It's starting.  Who's going to make it? Who's sitting in the back of the room?  Who's not going at all?  The voting hasn't yet begun, so those who think they may be in the running are being exceptionally nice to their public.  Though, as WE says, you're not going to erase 7 years of nastiness in the week before prom voting.  According to WE, the competition is fierce.  WE is hoping his girlfriend makes it for her sake, and hoping he doesn't, for his wallet's sake.  Prom dress code for guys is pretty relaxed, unless you're on court, then you've got to spring for a tux and a limo, apparently.  I asked him what he would do if he makes court but his girlfriend doesn't and he said he would withdraw - I guess the proma would be to much for him.  I asked him if his GF would do the same for him, he just laughed. He figures next year for Homecoming that very situation is going to come up.  Homecoming court is chosen by number of sports letters you earn + your GPA, it looks like he'll probably be in, but the GF not so much.  High school dance drama is such fun to watch if you're not 17 and in the middle of it all.

**yes, I know my background is white and weird looking.  I know what I did (accidentally) to make it that way, but it's too much work to figure out how to make it right, so just deal with it, people

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