The kids and I were all together in the car with me when the Manford Mann version of Blinded by the Light came on the radio. They spent most of the song trying to figure out what they were saying, I didn't bother because I knew it was impossible to decipher. They decided that it was definitely either racked up like a douche or wrapped up like a douche, neither of which makes any sense, but the song in general is pretty odd. I told them that the only ones who truly know what the real words are would be Bruce Springsteen, who originally wrote and performed the song, and Manford and Mann (though I'm not sure if Manford and Mann are two guys names, or just the band in general, so there could be a minimum of 3 people who know the words, all the way up to the total sum of the members of Manford and Mann Earth Band AND the E Street band). So, we decided to google the lyrics when we got home. Turns out even THOSE guys were a little hazy, since Bruce sang it: "cut loose like a deuce" and Manford (or Mann) said "revved up like a deuce". So, the mystery is solved...sort of.
I ate the green bread today for breakfast and didn't die or anything, which is a good thing since I still have 1 3/4 loaves left and I don't think I'm going to convince the kids to eat it.
Today, I was waiting in the school courtyard for Angel #4 to get done with band class, along with a bunch of other parents when a lady walked through the crowd and went into one of the buildings. This normally isn't a noteworthy event, but I thought I'd mention it because she walked through carrying a gallon Zip-lock bag with three whole fish in it, complete with heads, tails and everything in between. It made me wonder why someone would go to an elementary school with a bag full of dead fish (they WERE dead, in case you were wondering). I really can't think of any reason, but if you can, feel free to post a comment giving me your opinion.
1 comment:
LOL, oh this had me laughing because one time hubby and his friends were singing along to the radio when an AC/DC song came on(You Shook Me All Night Long) and they both insist one line of the song sings " she had me circumsized, telling me no lies" RIGHT, like they would use circumsized in a song?!!! I told them there is NO WAY that could ever be the words. I had to do a lot of searching but found out the words are actually " she had the sightless eyes, telling me no lies" Oh did i ever laugh when i presented that to him in print, he stil refuses to believe it and still sings it is way. Which cracks me up everytime.
Oh, the dead fish thing......could they be disecting them in Science class or something? Just a thought.
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