A few weeks ago, I was showing a friend around our house. She saw some old boards lying in the upper shed, and said she'd been looking for some exactly like them for her artwork and wanted to buy a couple. I told her I'd talk to our landlord about it. Well, he told her to come on up and pick a few out, then gave them to her, because he's a nice guy that way. She wanted to do something for him or pay for them, and he asked if she could bake a pie. She's not much of a baker, but I am - she, on the other hand, is an awesome artist. I told her that I'd bake the landlord a pie if she'd paint me a picture, and she was thrilled with the idea. I asked Mark, the landlord, if he liked banana cream and that my friend would bring me some bananas to make him a pie. He said he had tons of bananas growing at his place and he'd bring me some apple bananas, which are really sweet and tasty. I made him his pie today and he told me to make this whole barter thing even more complicated, he was going to give the pie to his sister-in-law for her birthday. Now that is a complicated transaction, but bartering is a much more fun way of doing things than boring old money. Besides, now I'm going to get a painting made especially for my by a very dear friend and all I had to do was bake a pie, which I can do blindfolded with one hand tied behind my back. Who could ask for anything better?
I forgot to mention in my crabby post yesterday how friendly the people at Walmart were. When I walked in, a guy was grabbing a cart for himself, he gave it to me said "welcome to Walmart" then grabbed another for himself. A little way down the aisle, I stopped to check out the DVD for Angelina Jolie's moving Changeling. It's set in the 1920's, which automatically catches my interest. The guy stopped again and gave me a movie review (it was a favorable one, but not worth spending $18 for a dvd). Later on, a lady helped me pick out curtains for my bathroom and in the sewing section, a really cool woman and I got to chatting about mending, buttons and ways to repair clothes (it really was an interesting conversation, despite what it sounds like). It just seemed like there were a lot of friendly people shopping at the same time. Not everyone is a vicious psycho driver out for blood.
I bought some brown paint yesterday, and this morning, I painted the grungy white stools that are at my counter in the kitchen. Angel #2, with her typical warped sense of humor said: Great, now we can tell everyone we've got brown stools.
UGH That kid must get her sense of humor from her father, I'm MUCH classier than that. :P
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