A couple weeks ago, when our next door neighbor moved, she threw a lot of stuff in the trash. Angel #4 went over there and dug through it, looking for treasures. One of her treasures was a cone shaped bottle filled with vinegar and grapes or cranberries or something and corked at the top. It rested in a metal stand. I'm not one for decorator stuff and this thing was definitely a kitchen decoration. Well, #4 passed it on to Angel #2 and it sat in her room for a while. Tonight we told her she had to clean her room and sort through stuff she wanted to get rid of. She came down with that vinegar thing and asked me what she should do with it. Just as I was going to tell her to throw it away, it slipped out of its stand, dropping to the floor and shattering. Now the whole room smells like pickled mystery berries and there's broken glass and purple juice all over the place. The girls are cleaning up the mess, but it really stinks, so Angel #4 is armed with yellow Playtex gloves and one of those disposable air masks over her nose and mouth while #2 is going with the bank robber approach and has a dish towel tied over her face. Now I know why I don't go for decorator kind of things, they're just too messy.
Talk about messy, that same neighbor is paying me to clean out her house so renters can move in. Her house isn't messy, but it's still a lot of work scrubbing floors, washing windows and wiping out cabinets. I worked for most of the day today and have to finish up the bathroom and some kitchen stuff tomorrow. My arms are achin'! But, I'm getting into shape so I can do the same thing to my house next week once we get all our stuff moved out.
Book Review Tuesday: The Man Who Loved Jane Austen by Sally Smith O'Rourke Eliza Knight buys an old dresser and discovers letters written to and from Jane Austen hidden behind the mirror. One of the letters is from F. Darcy - thus, the mystery begins. Was there really a Mr. Darcy in Jane's life? What happened to him? What was his relationship to Jane? This was a completely different twist from any Pride and Prejudice related book I've ever read, and I've read a LOT of P&P related stuff. Part of it takes place in the present, the other part in the days of Jane Austen and Mr. Darcy plays a major part in both halves. You don't even have to like P&P or be familiar with the story to enjoy this book, though it will definitely enhance the reading experience if you are.
Random Daydreamer Fact - to make the RDF's more interesting, I'm going to have the Angels each come up with a fact about me to share with you. Today is Angel #2's fact: I've taken care of a newborn lamb - in my living room. (thankfully, the mothers maternal instincts kicked in in a relatively short time, so this was a very short term job)
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