Sunday, December 14, 2008

finally, another entry

Last night, my wonderful husband asked me how in the heck he was supposed to know what was going on in our family if I don't make regular entries in my blog and, I admit, I've been slacking lately. But it's not really my fault, Angel #2 keeps kidnapping my computer at night and doing whatever it is she does, and I don't get a chance to do my entries. So, here it is, Sunday afternoon and I'm making an entry now so I get it done.

Yesterday, WE had two different choir concerts at two different shopping centers, we just dropped him off at the morning one, but we all went to the one in the afternoon. He did pretty good on the ones sung in plain old English, but the Hawaiian ones and the sign language one were a bit of a challenge. I suspect he fell back to the old 'watermelon' strategy - though that didn't quite do the trick for the sign language song. He was a beat behind most of the other kids, which wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't been standing front row center. lol

Hubby bought a machete the other day, so then we had to go to our new place so he could try it out. He was having way too much fun doing the Crocodile Dundee thing out there. The kids are going to have a blast living there - there's just tons of things that have been hidden by overgrowth for years.

I want to give a shout-out to my friend Sierra who got ENGAGED the other day in a very romantic way. Everybody say it with me: AAAAWWW!

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