Tuesday, November 11, 2008

yes, it's pink

I brought Angel #2 and her friends shopping today. While I was there, I picked up a package of toilet paper. They were out of white, so I had to buy colored stuff. I didn't know they even still made colored toilet paper. Anyway, I bought pink and it's caused no small amount of amazment at the daydreamer household. The girls commented on its pinkness when I put it in the car and wanted to know what other colors there were. I don't think any of them had ever even seen colored TP before. (blue and green, in case you were wondering). WE just came out of the bathroom a minute ago and said, "do my eyes deceive me, or do we have pink toilet paper?" "Whoa, we have pink stuff," hubby commented. It doesn't take much to put my family in a tailspin.

#2's friend, the vampire girl, eventually showed up last night. #2 was laughing so hard that she threw up. I heard her do it, but kind of forgot about it, until they brought it up this afternoon when we were sitting at the food court at the shopping center. Why they decided that was good lunch conversation is beyond me. While the girls did their shopping, I brought my Alphasmart with me and did some writing. I staked my claim at a food court table and started typing. Problem is, a food court in Hawaii, isn't like normal food courts. We had geriatric hula dancers strutting their stuff in ours. I've seen them around before, I'm not sure if they go their every day or just Tuesdays - I'm usually only at the food court on Tuesdays, since that's our usual go out to coffee day. Anyway, the funny thing I found about the geriatric hula-ers, is there wasn't a single Hawaiian in the bunch. They were all white people with a couple Japanese thrown in for variety. They didn't just hula, either, there were ukelele's and one old guy that kind of looked like Burl Ives (you know, the snowman guy in the Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Christmas special), and he sang - really bad. It certainly made writing a bit more difficult.

Oh yes, it's book review Tuesday. I only read on book this week. It was called The Ticket Out by Helen Knode. Two word review: Don't Bother Hopefully I'll have something more edifying for you next week.


Heather T said...

Oooh...pink toilet paper!:-) That IS exciting! We only ever get white around here....maybe cuz hubby does the grocery shopping? Oh well...the white works, too. Sounds like an interesting time at the food court...I get distracted by the weird people I see around here...so hula dancers would definitely be distracting!!;-)

Anonymous said...

So do you guys have early morning hula dancers in your malls instead of mall walkers?
- Afton