Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's finally over!

You were right the first time, Alaine, I didn't cancel out enough. Oh well, the choice has been made, I just hope America doesn't regret it too badly. I was happy I didn't have to wait in line to vote like I heard they had to in some places. I just went right up and did my civic duty. Angel #2 came with me when I voted and went into the voting booth with me. She talked me into voting for the guy with the Blazing Saddles theme song, but I guess it didn't really matter since he lost anyway. Looks like I couldn't vote for a winner today if I tried. Well, I certainly won't miss all the election bruhaha though. Personally, I'm sick to death of all of them, I can't imagine what it was like for those of you with tv's getting bombarded with television ads - at least I assume you were bombarded.

I'm glad to see some of you have found your way over from my Bravenet account...hopefully you all did. I'd hate to lose the few readers I actually DO have.

A new thing I'm going to try out starting next week (if I remember) is Book Review Tuesday. Every Tuesday (once again, IF I remember) I'm going to do a review of a book I read the previous week. I just picked Elizabeth Lane's latest The Borrowed Bride up at Walmart today. I read an excerpt on Unusual Historicals this week and it sounded so good I couldn't get it out of my head. When I saw it at Walmart today, I snapped it right up even though I put my name in the UH drawing to win the book. I didn't want to run the risk of it not being at the store next week when I went to buy it after finding out I didn't win it. I very seldom win anything, so I'm not really expecting to win it anyway. I'm just not a winning kind of person. Maybe I'll ignore my Nano responsibilities enough this week and read it for next weeks review.

I've got to say, I really like the autosave feature Blogger has. No longer do I hold my breath while typing out my post in hopes that I don't hit the wrong button and have the whole thing disapppear, which has happened more times than I care to think about at Bravenet.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Hi. Yes, it was an easy link to find you had moved. I like to follow other's blogs, but then I forget that they don't actually hear from me that way. I have gotten to be so bad at corresponding with people, that my guilty conscience made me sit down until I had 8 letters to put in the mailbox on Monday. Yah! Now I only owe about 55 more letters. On the positive note, there have been more than 55 people who cared enough to write to me. :)

Greetings to your family! So many of my Manawa memories have your family in them. :)