Monday, November 3, 2008

And we're off!

Okay, I took the step of leaving the security of my 1000+ entried Bravenet blog and heading out into Bloggerville. Yay me!

For newbies: I'm known to my internet friends as Daydreamer. I have for so long that I think people are talking about me when they mention someone is a daydreamer. Yeah, I'm self obsessed :D

I've got 4 kids, known as Angel #1, Angel #2, Angel #4 and WE - which stands for Worm Eater for sadly obvious reasons. Though, I'm happy to say that it's been a couple years since he's munched on worms...I think. I've also got a wonderful husband, who puts up with my lazy ways, a dog named Jake, who's lazier than I am, and 3 cats, Mouschi, Chloe and Bonzai. Bonzai is sick at the moment, we're suspecting bladder infection, so yeah, that's gross. Despite the plethora of animals, I'm NOT an animal person. I prefer them on my plate with a side of mashed potatoes and gravy to having them in my home, shedding and forcing me to pick up their poop with my hand wrapped in a plastic Walmart bag.

This month, I'm doing Nanowrimo, which stands for National Novel Writing Month, a commitment for the month of November that I will write 50,000 words on a new novel, started November 1st and, if not over, at least 50K completed by November 30. I've suceeded twice before, one of them is now published and for sale at Amazon, called It Takes Moxie. Last years project is done and I have some publisher interest, but it's been set aside so I can tackle this years project, tentively titled The Road Back Home. They're all 1920's romances, because I'm just a romantical kind of person. I've also got a second book published, called Eye of the Beholder.

For the last 2 1/2 years, I've lived within wave hearing distance from the beach in Hawaii. Before that, I was born and raised in Wisconsin and still have a strong Wisconsin accent and crave bratwurst and cheese curds on a regular basis. This is where I used to be: But I guess I'm here now.

1 comment:

Amber said...

finally...sheesh! j/k...but I do like bloggers commenting better. ooo, and I'm the first commenter ever!