Friday, November 1, 2019

That didn't work out as planned

The World Series ended very sadly.  That's all I'm saying about that.

Yesterday was Halloween, trick or treating was postponed in our town because of a ridiculous amount of snow.  Yes, snow.  Quite a bit of it.  In October.  Is this a foreshadowing of the winter to come?  This has got me really reconsidering my life choices. 

Not all my life choices are poorly thought out, however.  Yesterday I made a very wise purchase.  Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you, Kenny and Margaret:

You can't see it in the picture, but their heads are on springs and they bob around!  They're an awesome addition to my other living room decor.  I have Johan, the turquoise giraffe, Judy, the flower girl zombie doll who's riding on the back of Angus, the metal rooster and, of course, the rainbow unicorn head mounted on the wall.  I realized today that the unicorn doesn't have a name.  Then I realized that it's Heidi.  I don't name these objects, they name themselves, people.  Missing from the menagerie is Ben, the margarita drinking flamingo.  He's still down in Houston at the girl's house.  I think they've claimed him as their own and he won't be coming back home to me.  Spread your wings and fly little guy, see the world!  I left him in good hands.

Yesterday, after I got them home, I noticed that somewhere between me picking her up from the shelf in the thrift store and getting her home, Margaret lost her left eye.  I think it happened when her head bounced off while I was in the check-out line.  I'm debating whether or not I should find a replacement, or just let it be.  It kind of gives her that rogue, devil-may-care alley cat look that you just can't fake, it's gotta come naturally. 

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