Almost a whole month has gone by with nothing written by me. Slacker
Thanksgiving was nice. We had a couple from our church over as well as Rent-a-Grandma. Instead of turkey, we had chicken because there are about 2 dozen of the cluckers in my freezer and I really would like to have my freezer back. Things went well and everyone left around 4. We got a call from WE and chatted with him a bit, then shortly after we hung up, we got a call from Rent-a-grandma. Her trip back home wasn't as uneventful as we would have liked and she ended up in a car accident. Someone turned in front of her as she was going through an intersection and she kind of t-boned his car. It was totally the other guys fault, but that didn't stop Grandmas car from getting totaled. Fortunately, Grandma was okay and she's now in the market for a new car. The last three times she's gotten a new car, she's told me that it was probably going to be the last car she ever bought and she keeps proving herself wrong. Here's hoping she'll go through many many more new cars before her time is done.
Angel #4 got her first job last week and yesterday was her first day. She's going to be a cashier at our local grocery store. Her first day on the job got a little messed up because of the weather. The roads were awful and she ended up in the ditch about 2 miles from the house on her way home. She's okay and the car was okay. I'm really proud of the way she kept her head during the situation. She knew that hubs and I weren't home so wouldn't be much help so she called her boyfriend who lives a couple miles away and arranged for him and his dad to come and pull her out before she even called us. That girl sure can take control of a situation.
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