The Dr Who 50th anniversary special was pretty awesome. They even brought together all 13 Doctors, both alive and dead in one of the final scenes, which was pretty stinking incredible. Though I didn't cry at spots like my neighbor Becky did She's a bit more emotionally invested in the Doctor than I am, apparently. We made Dr Who munchies like Tardis Pizza, Ood sweet rolls, fish fingers & custard and washed it all down with sonic screwdrivers...none of which make sense to non-Whovians, but the rest of you can well imagine how fun the table was.
After Who-fest, hubs and I went to a deer hunters widow comedy show. This was the opening day of deer hunting season, the guys all go to deer camp while their wives go out on the town with friends. Hubs doesn't do much hunting, so we went to the show together instead. We also brought along my friend Monica from work and met my other friend Connie, along with her brother & sister at the club. It was a great time and we'll probably go again for the Valentine's day show they're having in February.
It looks like our barn kitty, Tuna, is feeling better from whatever was bothering her last week. I'm pretty hopeful she'll be all right after her drooling fit. Poor little thing is so lonely up there in the hay mow by herself though. She was all by herself last winter and never wanted us to leave when we went up to feed her. After she had her kittens, we decided to keep one so she wouldn't be lonely again this year, but now that Bana died, she's all alone again. I'm tempted to pick up one of the free, fixed cats that humane society gives away, they're the feral cats that are caught, but can't be tamed for house cats. They give them to people for their barns. My fear is that Tuna won't get along with the other cat (or vice-versa) and she'll be even more miserable than she already is. Animal dynamics are so confusing.
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