Yesterday afternoon, I was dropped off in the city and I spent the day wandering around by myself. It was a LOT of fun. I went to the American Art Museum and the Renwick Gallery, I loved loved loved the Renwick and if you're ever in DC, I highly recommend it. Besides, it's free, so how can you go wrong? I also saw the White House from the Pennsylvania Ave side as well as the Eisenhower Executive Office building, which is about the coolest looking building in town. After wandering the streets for awhile, the Lincoln Memorial was next on my list then I sat by the reflecting pool and...reflected, I figured that's what you were supposed to do there. But I did a lot of people watching as well. There are all kinds of different people and languages around here, makes for interesting observing. At the end of the day, my friends picked me up and we went out for Thai food again - the wife at the house where I'm staying is from Thailand, so I've been eating a lot of Thai food the last couple of days.
Today we went out to lunch with Carol (my tour guide from Thursday) and her husband and son and now we're spending the rest of the day just sitting around. I need a little recoup time after all my touristing. Being around all those people is pretty exhausting. Tomorrow I think we're going to have a fairly mellow day and I' not sure what's on the agenda for Monday. We keep hearing about the hurricane whenever we turn on the radio, so I hope that doesn't mess things up for us or delay our flight home or anything. Vacation is fun, but I"m about ready to get back home where I belong.
Oh, and one more thing. My friends Donna, Jamie, Stacey and myself have put together a blog. We're all writers (though they're a bit more dedicated than me) and have been good friends for years. We're taking turns posting, the first 4 Tuesdays of the month is the plan. We're also doing book reviews and whatever else strikes our fancy. You can find us here:
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