The kids and I got the last of the chickens out of the bathroom this morning. Yesterday, hubs and the boys built a coop in the barn for the broiler chickens and we stuck them in there. So after cleaning out the converted stock water tank from the broilers, we moved the layers in this morning. They like it much better there than the bathtub...actually, I don't know or care if they like it better there, I like them better there than in the bathtub. Notice though, that I didn't say the bathroom was bird-free, just chicken-free. The baby birds Angel #4 rescued last weekend are not only still alive, but they're thriving. Who woulda thunk? They live in an empty Mountain Dew Code Red box on the shelf next to the bathtub. BTW, in case you're wondering, WHY the bathroom? It's one of the only rooms in the house that you can easily shut all the bird eating animals out of.
We've been getting a lot of rain lately. It was a regular monsoon on Wednesday night as we were driving home from Bible Study. It rained on and off all day yesterday and today. I hope the rest of the drought stricken parts of the country are getting it as well, as for my little chunk of Wisconsin, we're all greened up and pretty. My garden is going great guns and we've been eating beans, peas, zuchinni, cukes and kohlrabi. It looks like the corn will be ready soon if it recovers from being bent over from Wed night's monsoon and I even got a couple of tomatoes this week, though it'll be awhile before I'll get inundated with a full-on ripening. I also picked up a half bushel of peaches yesterday. They're a bit green yet, so sometime the middle of next week, I'll be having a huge peach canning party. Wanna join me?
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