Thursday, April 12, 2012

Seriously, does every post really need a title?

Well, you'll be relieved to know I survived the wild weekend and spring break. Now my kids are back in school and back into routine. Angel #4 started track practice yesterday, so now both of my school kids don't get home until around 5pm every day. Makes for a rather quiet day around here, besides the dog, cats & chickens, of course.

Our baby chicks are getting big and feathering out quite nicely. Surprisingly, I didn't have a single casualty among them. Usually, you get at least one weak one that doesn't make it past the first couple days, but they all look strong and healthy. They're still living in the bathroom, they're going upstairs to the attic this evening. But since it's warm in the bathroom during the day, today I decided to unplug their heat lamp and see how they do with just room temperature. It's chillier in the attic, so I'll have to keep the lamp going when they move up there, but they're going to be heading outside in the next couple weeks, so they really need to start hardening off soon. It's amazing how fast having chickens in your bathroom gets old.

Talk about getting old, it's my birthday today!!! I love my birthday, it's like having my own special holiday that no one but me gets to celebrate. We don't have a big deal for birthdays in our family, the kids usually get a cake and, sometime around their birthday, they get a present. WE's already got his b-day present and his birthday isn't until May, but he wanted/needed his new track sweats now. For us parents, it's usually hit or miss if anything at all happens on our birthday, but that's not why I love my birthday anyway. I just love having it be my special day. Of course, it's not mine alone. I know 4 other people personally, who have the same birthday as me, it's like we've got our own special club with a very exclusive membership. And isn't it cool? Every one of you reading this belongs to an exclusive club of your very own. Birthdays are just awesome.


Tanya T said...

Happy Birthday!

JeanieC said...

Happy birthday, DD. April birthdays are the best. I had mine last week and we don't do anything special either. I don't know a single person who shares my birthday, though.

Afton said...

Happy birthday, DD!!! (Just a wee bit late.) Hope you had a great day! :D

Adamsdarling said...

Happy belated birthday!