Angel #2 got her drivers license today. As you can see, she's looking forward to the freedom of the road. I'm looking forward to more grey hair. Tomorrow, she's heading out with the high school band group on a camp out to the volcanoes. Thankfully, she's not driving, so all I have to worry about is the volcano blowing while she's there.
Hubby and Angel #1 came home full of stories about their special olympic trip to Oahu. If you've never spent time with a pile of special olympic athletes, you have no idea what it's like. It's like a regular soap opera with make-ups and break-ups and all kind of hormonal drama. Of course, there's also fart jokes. Angel #1 finally had to go in and tell the guys to go to sleep after they'd spent hours laughing hysterically at stupid fart jokes. One of the athletes is very borderline, he'd got in a car accident when he was about 18 and he's in his mid 20's now. He's planning on going to school to be a personal trainer. He told Angel #1 that he'd be doing a good job talking up some of the pretty young girl volunteers, until they saw his name tag, whose color indicated that he was an athlete, not a volunteer, then they'd shy away. It didn't take him long to figure out that he needed to hide his tag down into his shirt if he was going to get anywhere with the ladies. Then the world was his oyster. I'm so proud of both hubby and #1, but especially of #1. He went to practices right after school for two hours every Tues and Thurs for months and got to know and befriend the athletes, who think #1 is just the coolest guy ever and really respected him. The Angel enjoyed his time with them and talked for hours about their adventures on Oahu, which is amazing since he normally doesn't talk much at all. Seeing him out there helping those guys just about made my heart burst with pride. Watching your child give of himself to help others who are less fortunate is one of the greatest gifts a parent can get.
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