Saturday, October 17, 2009

still full

Last night we celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving with a group of good friends. One couple had us all to their house and they made ALL the food. Now that's my kind of get-together. After pigging out on turkey, mashed potatoes etc, I'm still full.

Hubby took a 6am flight over to Oahu today to compete in the state level Toastmaster's speaking competition. He won the local one a couple weeks ago without even planning on doing it. We'd gone to the competition to lend moral support to the ones who were competing and when we got there, they asked hubby if he could compete in the speech evaluation category since there was only one contestant. Fortunately, it's not the kind of speech you have to prepare for, as it's a verbal evaluation of someone else's speech. So now he's doing the same thing at the state level. I'm not sure if this would qualify him for a national competition if he wins this one or what, I imagine I'll get the details when he gets home tonight. He's so good at public speaking I'm sure he'll do well. I, on the other hand, prefer to be part of the audience.

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