In honor of my birthday, in true daydreamer family tradition, we did something new and exciting. If you call mucking mud water out of a big rock wall swimming pool thing new and exciting, that is. There's this big circle-ly thing in our backyard, that kind of looks like a silo (you can see it to the right on the picture below. Well, it was full of weeds and muck, a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes and noisy frogs. We had most of it drained, but it still had water about mid-calf in it that we couldn't drain or siphon. So today, hubby decided that the whole family was going to work together to get it cleaned out. We did it, but not without getting covered in muck in the process. You can't really tell by the picture, but the round rock wall is about 10 feet high, so a lot of the draining was filling 5 gallon buckets with sludge, pulling them up with a rope and dumping it over the side. Not particularly a pleasant way to spend an afternoon. Angel #4 tripped and ended up covered in crud. When we finally finished, the boys, Angel #4 and hubby decided to clean themselves off by jumping off the roof of the house into the huge water catchment tank we use as a swimming pool. Angel #2 and I took a more traditional route and just showered off in the bathroom like normal people. Eventually, the whole area will get cleaned out and become my garden. This picture was taken about 2 weeks ago and the area looks incredibly different already.
Afterwards, I got a real hankering for KFC, and I was pleased to find out that they were open tonight, despite its being Easter Sunday. I sent Angel #1 out to get me a bucket of original recipe for our supper tonight. I figured KFC was the least my family could do for me since they made me muck out a round stone thingy on my birthday.
Happy Birthday, Dulcie!!!!!
Doesn't sound like a very exciting happening on your day, but you did get some nice candy. :) I'm not sure if it out weighed the icky work, but a job well done is very satisfying.
Happy Belated Birthday & best wishes for many more!
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