Friday, March 13, 2009

It's probably already tomorrow and I haven't gotten there yet

I was late for everything today. Angel #1 was having car problems and needed me to take everyone to school this morning. The main problem was that they were already running late and I was still sitting here in my pajamas. I got dressed and did the tooth brushing, hair combing thing, having the presence of mind to remember to throw Angel #4's violin into the back of the van as we dashed out the door. I got the kids to school (#4 was 15 mins late) and was then late meeting a friend for coffee because of my unexpected detours to 2 different schools 10 miles apart. After coffee, I went to do some bookkeeping and left at 1:30, thinking I'd have plenty of time to stop by and pick up the mail on my way to getting #4 at school - I needed to get there around 1:45. I would have made it, except there was a check in the mail that needed to get deposited, then some money transferred to a different account. SO, I stood in line at the bank, then got the teller who's very sweet, but acts like she's never seen a deposit slip before. It's the same thing every time I get her, you'd think she'd have the deposit routine down by now, but apparently not. Anyhoo, I got to the school at 2:05, and no Angel. I drove around looking for her and was getting really ticked when she called me from the school office. We'd just missed each other. I got her loaded into the van and off to her violin lesson...which we were about 20 minutes late for. Ordinarily that wouldn't be such a big deal, but since I had to get the older kids at school, the schedule change screwed that up, making me 20 minutes late picking them up. It was just one of those days, I guess.

Tanya, now you have me singing Conjunction junction, what's your function? Thanks SO much. :P

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